Have you ever sat down and thought about yourself? Not about your circumstances but about the person who has gone through what you have and this is the results? You know what I mean! There was a time in your life that you can remember when things were different if you can’t, well follow along and put yourself in this situation.
You are no accident, no mistake, or duplicate. You begin as all of us, with a breath of life. That was the beginning. We are the results of gathering all of the laws of god, nature and circumstances: where we look, gender, race and economical condition, a special spark with very unique talents. You are the little crumb in the bowl without which, the cake could not be whole. If you could reach into a cake and remove just one grain of flower, then that cake would not be whole or complete. As we grow, that talent is exposed to the things needed for its growth and development.
The type of food we eat, like, or dislike. The shape of our extremities: seen and unseen. The amount of pleasure we can afford and type. We are affected by social structure and politics. We become who we are some where along that journey, the talent becomes a dream. The things required to develop your talent got lost in a day-to-day survival. But you still remember that dreams you know the one(s) you had as you were growing up. I believe our true talents still come in our dreams.
I challenge you to get in touch with your dream and see the possibility that could be, that was meant to be you. Find a nice spot where you can relax. Could be sitting, lying or standing, but must have a clear path to the rays of the sun. Close your eyes and face the sun. Allow nothing to block the rays of the sun. Say hello to the person you find there.
Ask him who he is and understand what he has gone through. But ask him what he was designated to do. Mankind will not be complete until each little talent (part) is present to do its job. The rays from the sun, blinds out all colors accept one. It is the one color that harmonizes with your talent. You must understand and believe that this could be your beginning.
That is a great person you are meeting. That person can remember the dream and make it become the special talent. That is the talent that will complete the formula. Today we have progressed to where we can escape our circumstances location, ethnicity, and economics.
We now have a common denominator: A unique opportunity to become a united culture, one hopefully that will awaken the world to our true reason for existing.
A mechanic has one thousand parts spread out on his garage floor. Everyone perfect and accounted for, a while later, this mechanic has assembled those parts. Now he has an engine that can perform great task. Remove any one part and the engine will not be able to run or perform as originally intended. I believe the light that you see looking up at the sun, while you are all alone shows that all of your development restrictions can be over come, that you recognize this opportunity and can begin again. You can face your true self and allow it to become you.
Rich or poor, free or oppressed, black or white, good or bad, religious or atheist: Face the person underneath. Are you where you should be in life? Are you making a contribution to your fellow being? Are you who you were meant to be? The opportunity exists here in the world of agape. The chance to become the real you does exist. Consider this: I believe that all things being equal. Man would choose to do good rather than bad. H e would choose right rather than wrong. He would be proud to make his contribution and be compensated accordingly.